Au cas où celle-ci ne sera pas disponible dans les temps, pour ceux qui préfèrent la ligne de commande, voici une procédure d'installation qui devrait couvrir 95% des configurations (surtout Linux) : --- In case the following installation's stages aren't available in time, and for those who would like to test themselves with command lines, this should cover 95% of cases (especially on Linux) : --- Please, download Node.js LTS version for your OS : On Linux, you may want to use terminal commands. So you may need these packages installed : For a Debian-like OS (Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc...) : sudo -s apt-get update apt-get install curl apt-get install build-essential apt-get install libssl-dev If we want the LTS today's version 6.x for this meetup, we'll need the following command (adapt #.x for other version) : curl -sL | sudo -E bash - And then, install Node.js : apt-get install nodejs In this case, no need to install npm as it will be installed with nodejs package. Node.js modules : We then may need different Node.js modules (note that with the following commands we install these modules globally. Removing "-g" allows to install locally) : npm install -g fs npm install -g web3 npm install -g solc We'll use the local and efficient node "TestRPC" : npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc To check a module's version : npm -g list moduleName e.g. : npm -g list solc And, of course, Truffle module : npm install -g truffle To check Truffle's version : truffle version ==> Launch your work space : testrpc truffle test